Field Building Hub Fall Presentations and Convenings

Field Building Hub Fall Presentations and Convenings

The Field Building Hub initiatives and expertise have been featured in multiple forums this fall: NYATEP Fall Conference in Syracuse, NY, Sector Convening on the Supply of and Demand for Middle Skill Jobs in Healthcare presented at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, and the Scaling Up Successful Workforce Programs in NYC Symposium hosted by Center for an Urban Future.

New York Association of Training and Employment Professionals (NYATEP) Fall Conference – Monitoring the Minimum Wage Workshop: On October 17, Hub Director Stacy Woodruff and Karen-Michelle Mirko, Director at Southwest Brooklyn Industrial Development Corporation, hosted a workshop on the minimum wage increase at the New York Association of Training and Employment Professionals Fall Conference. Nearly 40 workforce professionals from across New York State attended the session to learn more about the minimum wage increase in New York State; the economic models predicting what is likely to happen to businesses and workers as the wage increases; and how cities like Seattle and San Francisco are faring to date with a $15 minimum wage, as documented in the first three briefs of the Monitoring the Minimum Wage series. Attendees then had the chance to discuss, in small groups, the opportunities, challenges, and questions arising in their work settings related to the minimum wage increase. Takeaways from those discussions—along with ideas for useful tools and resources supportive of adaptations workforce programs, workers, and businesses need to make in the coming years—were collected and will inform the final brief in the Monitoring the Minimum Wage series to be released in early 2018.

From L to R: Stacy Woodruff (WPTI Field Building Hub), Ofronama Biu (NYC Labor Market Information Service), Lesley Hirsch (NYC Labor Market Information Service), and Shawna Trager (New York Alliance for Careers in Healthcare)

Sector Convening on the Supply of and Demand for Middle Skill Jobs in Healthcare: The Hub, in collaboration with the New York City Labor Market Information Service (NYCLMIS) and the New York Alliance for Careers in Healthcare (NYACH) hosted a half-day convening on October 31, attended by 59 healthcare workforce leaders from the City University of New York (CUNY), city agencies, and training provider organizations. Centered around the September 2017 NYCLMIS report, The Supply of and Demand for Middle-Skill Jobs in New York City: Focus on Healthcare, the convening featured an overview of the report methodology and findings; a panel focused on the collection and use of qualitative and program quality data to further understand quantitative supply and demand information; and a panel discussion about the types of data necessary to better match supply and demand for specific occupations. This convening represents the first of a series of healthcare-focused gatherings sponsored by The Hub.

Stacy Woodruff & Panelists at Scaling Up Successful Workforce Programs in NYC Symposium
Photo Credit: Center for an Urban Future

Scaling Up Successful Workforce Programs in NYC Symposium: On November 14, Hub Director Stacy Woodruff served on a panel at the Scaling Up Successful Workforce Programs in NYC Symposium, hosted by Center for an Urban Future. Drawing upon years of experience evaluating workforce programs, distilling best practices, and supporting systemwide mechanisms for collecting common workforce data, Stacy spoke to the challenges of bringing to scale small, innovative program models. The panel discussion prompted a host of questions and ideas among the more than 120 workforce professionals for making the scaling of effective programs more feasible.

Stay tuned for information on upcoming Hub-sponsored events and publications in the New Year!

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