Prior to the launch of the Field Building Hub, Workforce Professionals Training Institute (WPTI) hosted a series of sector convenings with service providers who placed jobseekers in industries including technology, healthcare, and retail. Across those gatherings, it became evident that:
- Service providers who train and place jobseekers in the same industry have little or no awareness of who else is focused on the same industry;
- Service providers need better access to and utility of labor market information to share programming and employer engagement strategies; and
- The gathering and sharing of real-time labor market intelligence is necessary for service providers to keep current with the changing business environment, industry practices, and skill requirements
Hub sector convenings coordinate workforce providers, existing labor market intelligence on the supply of jobseekers in those industries, and the industry partnerships for the purpose of better integrating those resources and encouraging greater communication and coordination across an array of workforce stakeholders.
The Hub hosted its first sector-specific convening on October 31—focused on healthcare—in collaboration with the New York City Labor Market Information Service (NYCLMIS) and the New York Alliance for Careers in Health Care (NYACH). See Hub Insight, "Field Building Hub Fall Presentations and Convenings", for more details.
The second sector-specific convening—focused on retail—took place on June 13 in partnership with the Center for Popular Democracy. More details on the event can be found in the Hub Insight, "Sector Convening Opportunity in Retail & New Resources Focused on Retail Industry".
The Hub will host additional sector convenings throughout late 2018 and 2019.