We're adding new resources that focus on macroeconomic trends impacting the workforce, including automation and online application and hiring tools. In an era of constant new technological developments and shifts into automation, these reports provide a timely perspectives on how people connect and adapt to the labor market. You can find new reports at the Hub Resources page.
- Jobs Lost, Jobs Gained. Workforce Transition in the time of Automation (McKinsey & Company) examines both the potential labor market disruptions from automation and some potential sources of new labor demand that will create jobs. The report builds on previous research on labor markets, incomes, skills, and the expanding range of models of work, including the gig economy, as well as the potential impacts on the global economy of digitization, automation, robotics, and artificial intelligence.
- Work to Do: How Automation will Transform Jobs in NYC (Center for an Urban Future) investigates the automation potential of every profession in New York City and reveals which jobs might be performed by machines in the next 10 years.
- Swiping Right for the Job. How Tech is Changing "Matching" in the Workforce (JP Morgan & Chase Co.) aims to demonstrate how different users, such as job seekers, employers, and other stakeholders, are interacting with new technology in labor market matching; how is the traditional labor market matching changing; and what are the challenges and benefits of using these technologies. In addition, it brings up a number of ways when technology can be used in applying for jobs providing examples of existing apps and online platforms.
- Online but Disconnected. Young Adults’ Experiences with Online Job Applications (JobsFirstNYC) studies the impact of personality assessments in online job applications on out-of-school, out-of-work young adults in New York City employment and how to ensure that young people are optimally positioned to enter the labor force and identifying measures to alleviate such impacts.
- We are also including the final Pinkerton Paper in the Job Quality Series Now or Never Heeding the Call of Labor Market Demand, which speaks to workforce leaders and their funders and the need to redefine the “workforce services” they offer bridging the gulf that separates employing low-income jobseekers from the building of competitive businesses.
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