Workforce Agenda for New York City

Workforce Agenda for New York City

The New York City Workforce Funders commissioned the Field Building Hub to conduct a strategic review of New York City workforce initiatives since 2014, both public and philanthropic. Using recent frameworks as a reference point—including the 2013 Re-envisioning the New York City Workforce System and the 2014 Career Pathways: One City Working Together reports - the resulting Workforce Agenda for New York City report provides the workforce field and its funders a set of pragmatic recommendations for effecting measurable system-level improvements over the next four to five years.

Between September and December 2017, Hub Director Stacy Woodruff and Hub Senior Fellow Steven Dawson conducted one-on-one interviews with more than 80 local workforce system leaders and experts. The authors found broad consensus among leaders from business, philanthropy, government and the nonprofit community that the field lacks the systemwide leadership and cohesion needed to meet the unprecedented challenges that the City faces. These challenges include the changing types of jobs available to jobseekers and the skills required to access them as well as the evolving labor policies and recruitment practices companies must implement to attract and keep good workers.


Access the report and Executive Summary:

Workforce Agenda for New York City

Workforce Agenda for New York City: Executive Summary


Media Mentions:

New York Nonprofit Media highlights The Workforce Agenda for NYC report