Applied LMI: Finding, Using, and Understanding Labor Market Intelligence (Open to the public)

During this 90-minute training, workforce practitioners will develop a practical understanding of how to effectively use labor market intelligence to assist their jobseekers in making informed career decisions, pursuing training opportunities, and advancing on a career path.

Upon completion of this training, participants will develop an understanding of how to:

  • Use online labor market intelligence to better identify and understand occupations and careers, growth sectors, and training opportunities
  • Build and utilize relationships with employers as tools for understanding sectors and industries, including important qualifications, workplace culture and more
  • Empower jobseekers to act based on this information and make decisions with regard to their own career path.


March 23, 2023

1pm-2:30pm EST

Click here to register

Event Details

Date: March 23, 2023

Start time: 01:00 p.m. EST

End time: 02:30 p.m. EST