Part 2 | Leadership Series for Advance & Earn Providers (For DYCD Providers Only)

As professionals, we need to collaborate and connect with others both effectively and frequently. Mindfulness practices can help strengthen one’s ability to actively listen and effectively communicate with peers, and participants will learn how mindful communication can strengthen their Advance and Earn program. These resources can support participants’ personal development as leaders while providing turnkey tools they can use with their staff.



Session 2: Mindful Communication for Leaders and Teams

February 23, 2023


This training is open to DYCD workforce providers. If you are interested in this, or a similar training, please contact Sabeen Pirani, Chief Learning Officer, at

Event Details

Date: February 23, 2023

Start time: 01:00 p.m. EST

End time: 02:30 p.m. EST