Part 1 | The Supervision Wheel: A Manager’s Tool for Escaping “The Overwhelm,” Improving Communication and Boosting Performance (For DYCD Providers Only)

Middle Managers are critical to the health of an organization, yet, “according to a 2018 study by West Monroe, 43% of all managers do not receive management-specific training in their first year on the job.” Lack of training combined with stressors of recent years has led to high levels of manager burnout. The Supervision Wheel outlines repeatable steps managers can take to obtain balance, empower others, and improve performance.

In this 3-part training series, managers will learn to:

  • Develop leadership practices to manage their workload without burning out
  • Set clear actionable expectations
  • Identify skills training to build the capacity of team members
  • Coach team members to achieve their highest potential
  • Make accountability conversations easier and more effective


March 7th, 2023


This training is open to DYCD workforce providers. If you are interested in this, or a similar training, please contact Sabeen Pirani, Chief Learning Officer, at

Event Details

Date: March 07, 2023

Start time: 10:00 a.m. EST

End time: 11:30 a.m. EST