Gearing Up for SYEP 2021 – Lessons Learned, Resources Offered, and WPTI Training Opportunities

Summer 2021 is rapidly approaching, and with it comes the launch of New York City’s annual Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP), a staple of the city since 1963, funded by the Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD).

In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic had a devastating impact on SYEP, leading to funding cuts, a shift to virtual programming, and a dramatically-altered calendar with minimal time for providers to prepare for the program’s implementation.

WPTI Hosts Briefing on Compensation and Benefits for Frontline Workforce Professionals

On Tuesday, January 26, WPTI hosted the second briefing in connection with the Voices from the Frontline report series focused on the experiences, perspectives, and needs of frontline workers in the workforce development field. The series is based on responses to the Workforce Field Building Hub (The Hub) at WPTI’s January-February 2020 Survey of New York City Frontline Workforce Professionals, which was completed by 362 respondents – all New York City-based workforce development professionals working as job developers, case managers, job coaches, retention specialists, and in other client-facing roles.

WPTI Hosts Employer Symposium on Healthcare Sector

On Tuesday, January 19, more than 100 stakeholders from across New York City’s workforce development system and beyond joined WPTI and the New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC) for our Healthcare Employer Symposium, the third in our series of sector-focused symposiums examining employer needs in light of COVID-19, the economic downturn, and a rapidly-changing, increasingly digital labor market.

WPTI In the News: Executive Director Sharon Sewell Fairman’s Op-Ed Featured in City Limits

On December 22, 2020, WPTI Executive Director Sharon Sewell-Fairman published an op-ed in City Limits, titled, “How We Can Rebuild NYC’s Hospitality and Retail Industries.” The piece addresses the critical state of the city’s hospitality and retail sectors, and the impact this has had on New York City workers – with nearly one-third of all workers receiving unemployment benefits, and a disproportionate impact on people of color, young adults, immigrants, and entry-level workers.

WPTI Hosts Employer Symposium on Hospitality Sector

On November 17th, more than 100 workforce practitioners and stakeholders joined Workforce Professionals Training Institute (WPTI) and the New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC) to learn about the state of one of New York City’s most important sectors: Hospitality.

Gotham Gazette Op-Ed: “A Critical But Too Often Ignored Piece to New York City’s Economic Recovery”

On September 25,  Gotham Gazette published an op-ed by Sharon Sewell-Fairman, Executive Director of WPTI. The op-ed highlights how the workforce development field, particularly frontline workforce training professionals, are generally overlooked in New York's economic recovery conversation and how their contributions to training and reskilling unemployed populations are critical for helping low-income populations, who were hit hardest by the pandemic, access available jobs and businesses rebuild their workforce.