Uniting the workforce development community to create systemic change
New York City's workforce development system is large and complex serving multiple constituencies and job seekers with diverse obstacles to gaining successful employment. Imbalanced service areas lead to redundant and insufficient resources across the City and the lack of standardized funding requirements creates considerable competition among nonprofit providers for limited dollars. Lack of information and knowledge sharing also makes it difficult to obtain consistent industry metrics and outcome measurements. The lack of professional certification or an accrediting body across the industry has led to depressed wages in the industry, uneven core competencies of practitioners and considerable turnover. The lack of alignment and collaboration among government funders, foundations and providers has additionally contributed to a fragmented industry lacking a cohesive and integrated strategy for preparing tomorrow's workforce to meet the needs of NYC employers and the NYC business community at large.
WPTI brings together providers, funders, organized labor, policy makers and the business community to promote collaboration, identify necessary policy changes and implement system reforms to strengthen the workforce development industry. Our systems building work leverages WPTI's extensive experience in the areas of field learning, advisory services, workshops and independent research to inform and influence key industry leaders and government entities around policy issues, emerging trends and systemic changes required to impact outcomes for consumers of the workforce development system.
Our initiatives build a better system with broad and deep collaboration